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Appointed Clerk vs Elected Clerk


There have been a lot of questions regarding the referendum question on the Partisan Primary ballot in August to appoint the town clerk so we are providing the following information to better help you.  It is our hope that by explaining it to you that you will understand why we feel it necessary to move in this direction.

Why are towns switching from an elected to an appointed town clerk?

  1. One of the biggest reasons to go to an appointed clerk is the town board can appoint someone based off of their qualifications and knowledge of the position rather than have someone elected based on their popularity with the public.
  2. The town board knows the role of the town clerk and her/his job duties unlike the citizens who are not fully aware of what those duties entail. Therefore, the town board can hold them accountable if they are not fulfilling those duties and replace them without having to wait until the election.
  3. There is a lot of time and money spent in training a new elected clerk which falls back on the taxpayers.
  4. They can be appointed up to three (3) years at which time the board can choose to re-appoint them or choose a different candidate without establishing cause to do so.
  5. The appointed clerk cannot be removed from office unless there is “cause” for removal (misconduct or neglect of duties) There would need to be a hearing and other due process protections before they are removed from office.
  6. Unlike elected clerks they do not have to be town residents which is beneficial when no one wants to run for the position or they are not qualified. This allows the town board to look outside the municipality to find a qualified individual to fill the position.
  7. The appointed individual is required by the board to hold regular hours and work a certain number of hours per week.



Elected clerks have to be town residents and answer to the electorate who are not aware of the clerk’s duties and obligations.  They can’t be required by the town board to hold specific qualifications or obtain training (unless required by state law – such as election training) They do not have to keep set hours or work a required number of hours per week.   They can be recalled and can also be removed from office by a majority vote of the board for gross negligence of duties.